Friday, 31 August 2007

Things ain't getting better

I have finally hit rock bottom on the running front. The chest infection i had resulting in some heavy coughing, which in turn has pulled several muscles in my stomach and back, consequently i cannot run at all now. Hopefully i will finally be able to do some light training next week, and with the Henley ½ only 6 weeks away will have revise my target time. Initially this was to be about 1:24, but i will have to aim for 1:30ish instead.

Good job the Kent 30 mile was cancelled, as that would have been a no-go and a waste of a trip. Have ordered a pair of Inov8 Roclite 315's to train in as these may be the footwear of choice for the MdS, so i thought i would see what they were like.


Friday, 17 August 2007

Another bad week

Not another bad weeks training - i'm getting a bit pee'd off about this. It all comes down to a chest infection now and not being able to breathe when you are running is a bit of a handicap. Still i have another 8 weeks to go until my next reace (Henley ½), and having run 8 miles last week in under an hour hopefully i can get my PB down from 1:29, depending on the course.

Will have to take a week off to recover, and as i am taking the family to Cadburys world on Monday, will have to watch what i eat (Not).

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Kent Challenge hits the dirt

Not the best of news for those of us training for the MdS, but the Kent Challenge series has been cancelled for the 30 mile runs. As this was a run i was training for in the run up to the Henley ½, it has meant a complete re-write of the training schedule to cater just for the ½. Having said that, training has been difficult, with work related issues, combined with a personal illness so, in all, not too bad news in the long run (poor joke).