Time for an update and re-write of my Blog page (after cleverly deleting all the sponsors links - to be restored ASAP).
Its been a hectic few weeks, following on from the Crawley ½ Marathon on April 10th. Training has been sporadic, mainly due to a week off after the race followed by a shoulder injury that has restricted (to say the least) any serious running. That said i have a ½ marathon in Frinton on Sunday and still feel that i can push to get close to a PB (currently 1:29), despite a lack of running.
Looking forward towards the end of the month and the Grand Union Canal Race (http://www.gucr.co.uk/) and i feel that with a few more weeks incorporating long runs, but nothing fancy i will still be ready to give it 100% on the day. The race starts at 6am on Saturday 29th May, with a 19 hour cut-off at 70 miles and a 45 hour finish cut off. This week i have been getting information through from Dick Kearn (Race Director) which has started the nerves tingling, especially with statements like "The principal cause for concern is that runners may, through fatigue or dehydration, become disoriented and fall in the canal, get lost, or collapse in a remote location" Fall into the canal - didn't even think of that - UNTIL NOW!!!!!!
Anyway - Kit is slowly being compiled, with itemised drop bags for day and night running, as well as snacks etc. Alex is awaiting a last minute entry, which would be great as i need someone to nag during the run, and it would also be great to have him on the run.
Its been a big couple of weeks here too. Last week we received a couple of pairs of Sunglasses from Polaroid, for us to auction and put the proceeds to the Charity, and they have also started pushing our profile via their blog (http://www.polaroidsunglasses.co.uk/blog/2010/04/10-million-metres-raising-1million-for-parkinsons/) and have asked us to be guest bloggers with race info, training advice and general progress of the challenge - which we will do with great gusto.
And yet another fantastic sponsor has arrived on the scene. After a speculative e-mail in March, i received a message from Dave Suddes at Lowe Alpine, who replied with the wording "time to time some really stand out from the crowd and I have to say that this is one". and the great offer of £600 of clothing and gear from their web-site to use in our events, and would we be interested. - Silly question!!. The clothing arrived yesterday and is superb. I will pout a proper review on here once i have given it a run out (literally), but initial thoughts are very positive and i am looking forward to trying it out.
Plans are now afoot for other races to add to the 10 Million Metre challenge (check Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/10MillionMetres), including a run in Germany in September, once we get 4 crew and 2 4x4 vehicles, which Alex is investigating, so watch this space.........
With other smaller races planned over the forthcoming months, including the London and Henley Triathlons, Caesars Camp 50 in October and have just found out today that i have a free entry into the Salomon Turbo X race in Bordon in November (mud, wet, dirty, rivers, swamps and killer hills - sounds great fun) we are pushing that total higher each month.
Finally (if you are still awake), Alex was interviewed on BBC radio Berkshire yesterday. A very good interview that will open the eyes of anyone who thinks Parkinson's Disease only affects the elderly, and shows how Alex has, and is, coping with this terrible degenerative illness and that like an Icelandic volcano, he has no intention of stopping - Check out the following link at 2 hours 10 mins and 30 sec:
Til next time - Stay moving!!
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