Tuesday 11 August 2009

New Home

At last i have moved home after weeks of not knowing what, where and when (Conveyancing solicitors - what can i say!!). Anyway all moved in and most of the boxes now emptied. I managed 35 last week and there's only 9 left for Mandy to do, but i can't say how long those may take!.

Anyway, I've also sorted out a few running routes already, and as we are in the countryside its nice to get away from the traffic and feel free. The bike comes out finally this weekend as i need to work out how long it will take me to cycle to work and sort out a few safer routes than the busy roads. Who knows i may even enter a few duathlons in the course of things and hopefully a few of the Rat Races as well, if i can persuade a few to join me.

Calf is holding up well, although a bit sore after a hard training session, but its not stopping me from training or running.

Hoping to get some sponsorship soon for the 1 million metres soon as the first race is only 2 months away, although a good immediate response from Cure Parkinson's Trust has us already on the way (http://www.cureparkinsons.org.uk/document_1.aspx?doc=0:37784&id=0:37282&id=0:37164&id=0:36727).

All for now, hopefully next report will be a book review as i am currently reading Kate Percy's Go Faster Food book, and there are some very nice recipes that i will be recommending, so watch this space.


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