Monday, 14 September 2009

One week ends, and another begins.

Last week was quite an eventful one, although not much running was done (3½ hours in total) although I had a good Sunday run doing a ½ marathon distance run in 1:40. Didn't feel like I was pushing at all, which is good for the Brentwood ½ in late October as I want to race that full out.

Challenge-wise I have put out a number if requests to companies for help with either money or clothing. So far only 2 have come back both with No's, but I will keep plugging away. I have a meeting with Alex next Sunday, so we can sit down and plan our approach better and be more uniformed in our tactics and story, rather than just dropping in sound-bites here and there.

Advertising was a different matter. My interview with BBC Essex went well and now BBC Berkshire want to do a joint interview with Alex and myself on 12th October, the day after the Henley ½, which will be good. Have already discussed with him about getting a set of publicity photos done for media and local press and I will again chase Anglia News this week for an interview.

Finally and very importantly was an offer from Fitness Footwear. I can almost confirm that they are my official sponsors for the Challenge and just need to get the final bits of advertising kit together. I have been offered a nice selection of North Face kit from them, suitable endorsing the company logo and another offer of trainers to try and test and review from them. I hope to get most of this over the next few weeks and will make it all official then.

This weeks training is about 45 miles, although a few early starts will be needed due to weekend commitments, but its all part of the game.

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