Friday, 3 April 2009

Fw: 695--Back for More

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Richard MERRY <>
Sent: Wednesday, 1 April, 2009 9:33:05 AM
Subject: 695--Back for More

Hi all

Day 2 of the race now and today was 36km of a mixture of soft sand, dunes, and more hard volcanic rock. Mix that with 6km of flat, dry valley and the sun coming down, this was almost as hard as yesterday.
All of us had a bad nights sleep in very cold and windy conditions in the 2 sided tents and woke up hungry and ready to go. Managed to strap up my feet as the blood blister on the right heel was treated and injected with iodine (ouch!!!!!!!!). Run went well, teaming up with Alan from opur tent and doing most of the distance together..

Shoulders are ready taking the strain now and with no phsyio its a case of strapping my back up ahead of tomorrows 80km (50mile) run.

Mandy & Freya
Hope you are ok and not missing me too much. Bearing uip ok and spirits up due to others in tent 79. Feet are killing me, but legs ok and i will finish this as promised.
Missing you both very much, still have your pics on my pack.
Love you both
"Always and Forever"
Hubby & Daddy

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