Monday, 6 April 2009

Fw: 695--FIN

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Richard MERRY <>
Sent: Friday, 3 April, 2009 9:58:20 PM
Subject: 695--FIN

Finally the Marathon Des Sables is over and i have a medal round my neck and very sore feet (trip to docs after this e-mail).
Today was the hotest yet and with areas of hard rocky ground and salt flats radiating the heat it was almost as hard as the long stage.
Still finding it hard to drink water, like yesterday, but i just need to take it easy. race organisers have a classical concert planned for this evening and beer to accompany it.
Glad its over, but what an experience (never to be repetaed).
Thanks for all the messgaes again, you have all kept me going.

Mandy & Freya
Cant wiat until monday, and will ring you as soon as i get back to the hotel.
I love you both very, very much, and promise i wont do anything stupid like this again (or for a while).
Love you loads
"Always and Forever"
Hubby & Daddy

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